Example of individual tax benefits

In 2019, Yukon Mary makes a single donation of $1,000 to a registered charity.

She can claim the following tax credit:

21.4% of the first $200 = $ 42.80
41.8% of the remaining $800 = $ 334.40

The total credit, she can apply against her income tax she owes, is $377.20, as the following breakdown reveals:

You can claim up to 75% of your net income in charitable donations each year, and carry forward any unused tax credit for up to five years.

  Federal YT
First $200 15 % 6.4 %
Amount over $200 29 % 12.8 %
Tax Credit for donation of $1,000 $ 262.00 $ 115.2
Combined Fed/Prov Tax Credit for donation of $1,000   $ 377.2