Live Catch and Release

The goals of this project are to: explore Yukon’s broad perspectives (i.e. First Nation subsistence and recreational angler perspectives) on catch-and-release in freshwater fisheries and develop current and appropriate communications materials to develop a greater understanding and work towards changing angler behavior. Specific objectives of this project include: developing and delivering a catch-and-release workshop for Yukon, develop new communications materials (PowerPoint and short video), and highlight next steps for a Yukon strategy on catch and release fishing. The project will review and utilize current scientific research on catch-and-release on freshwater fisheries, undertake key stakeholder interviews, review all current Yukon fisheries research/literature, and utilize global best practices through Keepemwet Fishing.

Proponent: Big Fish Little Fish Consulting

Contract: 2018-19-11

Amount Awarded: $15000

Final Report: Download