Teaching Kids to Fish for Whitefish

The objective of this project is to assist with the rebuilding of Lake Trout stocks by targeting other species. In this case the project will target whitefish and will focus on a very important demographic, youth. Engaging the next generation in fishing, getting them outside and teaching them to focus on another sustainable species, Whitefish supports current efforts proposed by Yukon Fisheries and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Trust. Approximately 12 youth, boys and girls, aged 13-16 will be instructed on fishing, learn about the local and traditional knowledge and be taken out on boats on Little Atlin to fish for Whitefish using various techniques. A high production video will be taken to capture these youth fishing for Whitefish as well as highlighting the tips, tactics and tackle required. The video will be posted on Youtube and Facebook, the YFGA, Environment Yukon and other websites in order to transfer this knowledge and get the message out on fishing for Whitefish.

Proponent: Yukon Fish and Game Association

Contract: 2016-17-17

Amount Awarded: $8,720

Final Report: Download