The Yukon Outfitters Association was pleased to host this program. It should be recognized that YOA is a not for profit society that raises funds privately through memberships and fund generation by donations. The YOA does not receive Yukon Government funding.
The feedback from the “field” indicates the program is appreciated by the trapping community. While the low number of wolves harvested may not approach the threshold to change the predation balance or impact wolf populations significantly, it does support the intent of the Yukon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan 2012
Wolf management goals:
- “Manage the harvest of wolves in recognition of their social, cultural and economic importance to all Yukoners.”
- “Use wolf harvest as a management tool to reduce predation rates of moose and caribou in local areas.”
- “Integrate ungulate management with wolf management goals.”
- “Manage wolves to address human-wildlife conflict.”
A total of $30,600 was distributed to eligible trappers comprising 153 pelts at $200 incentive per pelt. The first $150 was from the YOA and the remaining $50 from the Enhancement Trust Fund. The YOA also supported this program by providing administrative support, management time, promotions and communications.
Proponent: Yukon Outfitters Association
Contract: C9-2011-11
Amount Awarded: $10,000
Final Report: Download