Yukon Wetlands Protection

Despite wetlands being internationally recognized as key climate regulating and biodiversity hotspots, wetlands in Yukon, outside of protected areas, have no protection; unlike most of the rest of Canada, including Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, PEI, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba and Alberta, Yukon does not have a wetlands policy.

This project was conceived in 2017 when it became apparent that Yukon was going to develop a Wetlands Policy. Because the impetus for the policy was industry pressure to develop an extensive wetlands complex in the goldfields south of Dawson City, Yukon Conservation Society (YCS) was concerned that the policy risked becoming an industry driven wetlands policy affording no real protection to wetlands.

The Yukon Conservation Society planned two events in 2018 to present and discuss the case for wetlands protection in Yukon: 1) a one day summit of conservation organizations, Renewable Resources Councils and First Nations who have a clearly expressed interest in wetlands protection (including Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in) to further information exchange and discuss the longer term approach to working with the Yukon government and the public towards wetland protection; 2) a public event with guest presentations and panel discussion. Accompanying these events will be outreach on social media. YCS will also partner with Yukon government Department of Environment on a guided wetland tour.

Proponent: Yukon Conservation Society

Contract: 2018-19-27

Amount Awarded: $10000

Final Report: Download