Kluane First Nation (KFN) Wildlife Monitor

This project will provide data that will contribute to decisions in developing conservation projects to enhance the wildlife populations. The Wildlife Monitor will monitor activities within the Kluane First Nation’s Core Area and educate the general public and KFN...

Phenology of Aquatic Vegetation near Old Crow, Yukon

This project will document the changes in aquatic Plant abundance and nutrient content over one season of growth on four lakes. These changes are thought to be important factors affecting habitat use and movements of Moose in and out of Old Crow flats each summer. The...

Spring & Fall Operation of Teslin Lake Bird Banding Station

The primary goal of this project is the collect scientific data pertaining to the migration of songbirds through the Teslin region during the spring and fall migration seasons. The secondary goals of the project are to; provide a unique educational opportunity in the...

Swede Johnson Creek Fish and Fish Habitat Assessment

The goal of this project is to understand the reasons for the disappearance of adult grayling from the Swede Johnson Creek/wetlands near the Alaska Highway. Once a source of pride in the community, the fishery at this location has declined to point where no adult fish...

Dust Deposition along the Dempster Highway – Pilot Project

To study the effects of dust on lichen. Increased activity in the North might generate more traffic and dust along the Dempster Highway. This study will help the PCMB make recommendations to help preserve habitat for the Porcupine Caribou Herd.