Hutchi Lakes Bison and Fish Project

Hutshi Lakes Bison and Fish through the eyes of youth canoe project To facilitate a canoe program at Hutshi Lakes for CAFN youth. Canoeing will be used as the vehicle to explore the lakes and the connecting river. The youth will be involved in two projects: one on...

Characterizing Caribou Use of Burned Areas

My proposed graduate student research project focuses on the Klaza caribou herd located in west-central Yukon (northwest of Carmacks); a part of the Northern Mountain Population of woodland caribou, and listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) as Special Concern....

Keeping Wildlife “Wild and Alive” in Yukon Communities

To better educate the public in the Yukon on the negative impact our daily activities can have on wildlife if we do not do our part to be ‘Wildwise’. The goal of this project is to reduce the number of animals that are deemed ‘dangerous/nuisance’ each year after...