Fish of the Dempster Highway – Blackstone River Basin

The objectives of the 2016 project are as follows:

  • Continue to collect and establish baseline database for fish and fish habitats occurring at important sites, in the Blackstone River, along the Dempster Highway Corridor
  • Work directly with TH Fish and Wildlife staff and summer students, including project concepts, design and technical assistance with the field work. A focus in engaging youth into the project and learning basic fishery assessment/management techniques will be priority.
  • Incorporate Traditional and local Knowledge into the project working with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation, youth and elders to establish an understanding of how fish populations in the Blackstone Basin were utilized in the past and how it is seen today
  • Generate GIS map(s) of the Blackstone River Project Area, highlighting species distribution and habitat characteristics such as spawning and rearing, along with notes of interest to the project.

Proponent: Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in and Wild Country Fisheries Consulting

Contract: 2016-17-21

Amount Awarded: $9,200

Final Report: Download