This is year 3 of the Tagish Cisco Project that was initiated by CTRRC in 2016 to address long standing concerns of CTFN elders that cisco populations had undergone a drastic decline in 1960’s. The elders maintain that this decline coincided with a tailings pond spill from the Arctic Mine site in Carcross and that this decline has continued and persisted over the years. This main purpose of this project is to compile and analyze the TK data in the CTFN data base and to conduct additional interviews with about 4-6 CTFN elders and to transcribe the interviews and integrate the TK collected with the results of the technical studies that have been conducted during 2015-2018.
Proponent: Carcross Tagish Renewable Resource Council
Contract: 2019-20-15
Amount Awarded: $5,000
Final Report: Download