Teslin Lake Bird Observatory

The Teslin Lake Bird Observatory has been in operation since 2005 and has received a substantial amount of financial and logistic support from a number of organizations including the Yukon Fish & Wildlife Enhancement Trust, Teslin RRC, Yukon Environment, Environment Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Canadian Wildlife Federation and the Alaska Pipeline Project. The goals of the Teslin Lake Bird Observatory are to:
 Continue to gather baseline information on birds and bird migration in the Teslin area to facilitate the long
term monitoring of bird species in the southern Yukon;
 Participate in add on studies such as feather collecting for stable isotope analysis and color banding.
 Provide a setting for the public including school groups to learn about birds and bird migration;
 Provide employment and training opportunities for students and volunteers.
 Provide a unique tourist attraction for the community of Teslin.

Proponent: Society of Yukon Bird Observatories

Contract: 2019-20-06

Amount Awarded: $10,000

Final Report: Download