The main priority of this position will be to educate the habitat steward towards conservation of fish and wildlife habitat. The fish & wildlife habitat steward will be introduced to a variety of governments/NGO’s through a wide variety of ongoing projects located within the THTT. The TH Steward will additionally promote and teach the habitat steward a variety of safety protocols while on the land and on the water. By providing a position for a TH youth, the important of TH connection with the land is fostered and passed on to the next generations. Giving TH youth an opportunity to work in a position that also provides much learning and training opportunities helps to increase capacity of First Nations youth and encourages young people to work with and contribute to the shaping of their government.
Proponent: Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in
Contract: 2015-16-4
Amount Awarded: $5,625
Final Report: Download