Tree Cavity Study

The purpose of this research is to answer two questions related to the winter ecology of bird and mammal species: a) what are the tree and cavity preferences of roosting/resting cavity users and b) what are the habitat preferences that may influence roosting/resting cavity selection? Another purpose of this proposed study is to answer the question of whether FireSmart (a forest fire prevention program) management practices have an effect on the presence of and cavity use by avian and mammalian species, in southern Yukon. My goal is to conduct relevant research with real conservation and management implications. By determining the cavity, tree and habitat preferences of winter cavity users, the results of this study may inform forest fire prevention practices, ensuring that human safety and economic concerns are met with minimal ecological impact.

Proponent: Jesse Vigliotti

Contract: 2018-19-14

Amount Awarded: $5,000

Final Report: Download