Teslin Advanced Wolf Trapping Course

This Project has 5 specific goals: To get local people out on the land for educational and capacity building To engage the local population in mentoring roles To encourage local participation in wildlife management To encourage cooperation of local hunters and...

Bird of the Old Crow Flats

This project will take place in the Old Crow Flats, a wetland north of the Arctic Circle with designation under the United Nations Ramsar Convention and of paramount importance to the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation as an essential component of their livelihoods. The Old...

Wildwise Yukon: Let’s Live Smart with Yukon Wildlife

We will be developing a website, designing educational materials, printing and disseminating pamphlets and delivering workshops to four communities on valuing wildlife and how to prevent human/wildlife conflict through appropriate management of attractants.

Yukon Conservation Society – Interpretive Signage

This project will achieve three primary goals: i) enhance understanding of fish, wildlife and habitat in Middle McIntyre Creek, ii) protect fish, wildlife and habitat through trail management measures, and iii) enhance environmental values through public...

Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals at the Whitehorse Sewage Lagoon

This project will identify and evaluate the Whitehorse sewage lagoon as an important wetland for breeding and migratory birds in the southern Yukon. This will involve investigating the biological, chemical and physical components of the lagoon which attracts so many...